Thursday, August 21, 2008

Advice That Rings True

I like to share with you this devotional I got in the email from Turning Point ministries

Last year in Jackson, Mississippi, a newspaper reported about a man whose wedding ring saved his life. He was working in an antique store when two men walked in and asked to see a coin collection. One of the men pulled a gun and demanded money. When the gunman fired a shot, the clerk threw up his hand instinctively to shield himself, and his wedding ring deflected the bullet.
That ring on a husband's fourth finger is more than a piece of jewelry; it's a life-changing symbol. It stands for his commitment to put the needs of his wife before his own needs. He's to love her as Christ loves the church.
That includes simple everyday affection—a hug, a kiss, an ear to listen, hands to help with the housework, well-chosen compliments and words of encouragement, an evening out, a romantic date. Dating after marriage, in fact, is one of the great keys to a long-lasting romance. These are things that can deflect the devil's bullets and protect a marriage.
If you are married, when you see the ring on your finger, think of God's advice that always rings true: Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church.
Few things are as hollow as a relationship intended for passion that instead is marked by mere duty…. A love relationship… is what God intends us to have.
Maxie Dunnam

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.
Ephesians 5:25

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